You are viewing the results for Flatås Julecup 2018. View the current results for Flatås Julecup 2023 here.

Byneset IL G13 (f 2005) 2

Registration number: 1076
Registrator: Viktoria Braa Woldmo
Primary shirt color: Green
Leader: Viktoria Braa Woldmo
Third place and the bronze medal of Slutspel A
3:rd highest goal count among the teams in G13 (f 2005) (21)
In addition to the two Byneset teams, 26 other teams played in Guttelag 13 år (født 2005). They were divided into 7 different groups, whereof Byneset IL 2 could be found in Group A together with Tiller IL 1, Kolstad Fotball 1 and Utleira IL 62.

7 games played


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